Daily Generative Art
On year three of daily sketches created using TouchDesigner. Follow @polyhop on instagram for more.
saajtak - art rock quartet
With a repertoire that ranges from complex epic forms to short frenetic noise pieces, saajtak creates sonic environments that defy genre and the traditional roles of each instrument.
Tutorials • Articles
Workshop on complex systems from the 2019 TouchDesigner Summit. This includes both cellular automata and reaction diffusion systems.
This beginner level TouchDesigner tutorial looks at how to create variable line width using the Line Material.
This beginner level TouchDesigner tutorial uses 1D looping noise for the purpose of creating infinite tunnel zooms.
This beginner level TouchDesigner tutorial explores a method for looping noise for the purpose of creating looping animations.
Selected Works
Music video created for the art-rock band saajtak. Created using TouchDesigner, Microsoft Kinect and the Tachyons+ Vortex Decoder (circuit bent analog video console.)
In May 2019 my work was featured in Times Square as part of META-morphosis: a new media curation by Decode Experiential created for the One Times Square building.
Interactive projections designed for Lucid Dream Interactive Pods presented at the HP Coachella tent by ARTECHOUSE
Silhouettes I-IV is an interactive installation that allows viewers to directly engage with four visual simulations through their movement and presence in the space.
Hectic EP is the second release of Detroit-based art rock quartet saajtak. The songs expand upon the band's established penchant for long-form, winding compositions, crafting some of their most accessible spaces yet.
The Stuff Revolution is a meditation on materialism and consumerism. Official selection at the 56th Ann Arbor Film Festival.
Efflux is a live audio-visual project concerning itself with the flow of creative energy within a structure for cross-discipline improvisation
Package and artwork design, audio mixing and collaborative composition for saajtak's Spokes EP
New interface for musical expression exploring the concept of tangible graphic notation
Working with pen plotters in TouchDesigner, along with a review of the iDraw Metal A4 Pen Plotter.